European Union +48 801 623 565

Cekol WB-80 Concrete screed

  • layer thickness 20-80 mm
  • for indoor and outdoor use
  • high resistance
Cekol WB-80


• CEKOL WB-80 is a material designed for the preparation of cement-based floor underlay.
• It is intended for use inside and outside constructed features.
• When set, the mortar is frost-resistant and waterproof.
• It may serve as an underlay for ceramic floor coverings, parquet floors, panels, and PVC floor coverings.
• It is a mixture of cement, adequately selected aggregates and modifying additives.
• Maximum grain size is 4 mm.


Preparation of the substrate

The substrate should be clean, compact and free of adhesion-reducing substances (dust, bitumen, oils).


Weak substrates and strongly absorbing substrates should be primed with a deep-penetrating primer CEKOL DL-80.

Preparation of the mortar

Pour the contents of the bag into cold water using the proportion of 5 kg of the product to approx. 0.6 litres of water, and mix thoroughly.


Apply the mortar to the prepared substrate in the same way as with a conventional cement screed of semi-dry consistency. Use a straight edge or float to level a fresh mortar. After initial setting, trowel the surface smooth. The mortar should be used within 2 hours. If it is thickening during this time, it should be stirred again without adding more water. Coverage: approx. 2 kg/m² for 1 mm of layer thickness. Layer thickness: from 20 up to 80 mm. Ready for foot traffic: after approx. 48 hours at a temperature of 18˚C. Work temperature: +5˚C ÷ 25˚C.


During setting, protect against drying out too quickly. After initial setting, expansion joints should be installed and curing should be done in the same way as with a conventional concrete.



Tiles can be laid after approximately 48 hours (the curing time can be shortened). Floor coverings, parquet and panels can be installed after the mortar has totally dried. Drying time: ~ 1.5 mm of layer thickness per day.

Technical data

  • Meets requirements EN 13813 CT-C20-F5 Cement based screed, tensile strength class C25 and F5
  • Reaction to fire A1fl
  • Release of corrosive substances CT
  • Compression strength ≥20 N/mm²
  • Flexural strength ≥5 N/mm²

+48 801 623 565

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