European Union +48 801 623 565

Cekol TERMO W1 Mineral wool adhesive

  • Water and frost resistant
  • Non-absorbent
  • Plastic
  • Suitable for manual or mechanical application
Cekol TERMO W1

Application and properties

• CEKOL TERMO W1 is applied to sticking the thermal insulation of mineral wools to mineral surface, inside and outside of the facilities.

• CEKOL TERMO W1 is part of the heating system CEKOL TERMO W. The system includes:

Primer to the surface CEKOL DL-80

Adhesive for the mineral wool CEKOL TERMO W1

Adhesive for grid embedding CEKOL TERMO W2

Primer for plastering CEKOL GB-87

Mineral plaster CEKOL C-35

Instructions for use

The surface preparation

The surface should be clean, closed and free from grease. Paint, loose grains of sand and plaster and any layer temporally connected to the ground should be removed.


High-absorbed surfaces and exposed to moisture should be grounded with the priming emulsion CEKOL DL-80.

Mortar preparation

Pour the package contents to cold water in a ratio of 5 to 5.5 litres of water per 25 kg bag and mix thoroughly, preferably with a mechanical stirrer. Then wait for approximately 3 minutes and again mix well. The time of mortar application approx. 3 hours.


In order to stick the thermal insulation of mineral wool, apply the adhesive in points using no less than 12 points on 1m², the volume of not less than 120cm³ each. Additionally, on the mineral wools boards, apply mortar on the edges to form a frame around the board of a width of 3 cm and a thickness of approx. 1 cm. Stick the insulating boards up to 20 minutes after the mortar has been applied on the wool. The insulating boards arrangement can be adjusted up to 10 minutes since they have been sticked.


Wool sticking – approx. 4 kg/m2. The temperature of the performed works: from +5ºC to +25ºC.

Technical data

  • Meets requirements PN-EN 13500 ETICS-MW-EN 13500-1,2-F-I10-PE200
  • Adhesive mortar for gluing of mineral wool in the CEKOL TERMO W thermal insulation system
  • The declared thermal resistance for polystyrene of a thickness of 50 mm, λ 0,041 W/m∙K 1.2 m²∙K/W
  • Reaction to fire Euroclass F
  • Impact resistance I 10
  • Resistance to crushing PE 200

+48 801 623 565

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