Application and properties
CEKOL T-60-A is a dry mixture for creating a contact layer of 1-3 mm thickness while combining old and new concrete both in indoor and outdoor use. T-60-A is a dry mixture of cement, fillers, and modifying substances, intended for creating a mortar increasing the adhesion of the new concrete to the repaired substrate. The repair of a concrete surface should be carried out with a ‘WET IN WET” method, i.e. before bonding CEKOL T-60-A, it should be covered with a layer of the new concrete or the repair mortar, e.g. CEKOL ZW-04.
Instruction for use
Preparation of the substrate
- remove any remaining protective coatings, laitance, and surface impurities,remove any loosely bound concrete layers, forge and
- remove concrete cover of the rusty reinforcement bars on the half or the whole of the bar girth, depending on the level of rustiness,
- clean the exposed reinforcement bars from rust to the degree of purity Sa 2 1/2, pursuant to PN-EN ISO 8501-2.
- preparation of the substrate: The substrate to be repaired should be thoroughly saturated with water. Intensive saturation should be carried out 24 h before the scheduled repair. Immediately prior to the repair, the substrate should be matt and wet.
Preparation of the mixture
Mix CEKOL T-60-A with water in the proportion of 0.25 litre of water per 1 kg of dry powder. The dry mixture should be gradually added to the measured amount of water and mixed thoroughly with a slow speed mixer.
Application of the mixture
After the mixing, the fresh mortar should be left for approx. 15 minutes and then stirred again. Apply a bonding layer of 1-3 mm thickness to the reinforcement steel protected against corrosion and the prepared concrete surface. The mortar should be applied with a hard brush or wax, thoroughly covering the concrete surface. Take particular notice of thoroughly filling in pores, irregularities, and gaps. A fresh mortar is suitable for use within 0.5-2 h (depending on the substrate and ambient temperature). Start applying the new concrete immediately or after a light concentration of the bonding layer; however, it is very important that this layer should be fresh and moist. Capacity ~ 1.7 kg/m2 per 1 mm of layer thickness. Work temperature +5°C÷ +25°C.
Technical data
- Meets requirements EN 1504-3 Product for non-structural repairs of conrete (hydraulic cement mortar)
- Compression strength Class R2
- Chloride ion content ≤ 0.05%
- Adhesion ≥ 0.8 MPa
- Thermal compatibility ≥ 0.8 MPa
- Capillary absorption ≤ 0.5 kg m-2 h0.5
- Reaction to fire A2/A2fl